Economic Justice

We believe that in order to heal we have to acknowledge the harm capitalism has had on our communities. Instead we are dreaming up a more just way to do business that promotes collective thriving.

Pay Equity

We believe that pay equity needs to be at the center of how we do business, which means paying our team a living wage, and designing our services in a way that allows for us to honor this commitment

Mutual Aid

We believe in the power of the people, and through putting our dollars together we can help meet the needs of our neighbors through a mutual aid fund that will help provide mental health services, etc.

People Over Outcomes

We believe our neighbors matter more than outcomes. Which means that we will be intentional with who we partner with for funding so that the decision-making remains in the hands of the living experts.

business reimagined.


We believe to build and maintain trust, there needs to be transparency in how we steward our funds. We are also dreaming up how we can implement participatory budgeting as we grow Mentally Mutual.


We believe rest is a restorative practice that is needed and to be honored. This means we acknowledge our capacity in each season and create boundaries that upholds our capacity.

reimagining business for our collective flourishing.