about us.

we value collective and individual thriving.

about >>>

We are a social enterprise that exists to promote spaces that centers safety, belonging & connection, so that we can live whole and healed lives as we talk about financial wellness & mental well-being through a faith & justice lens.

mission >>>

To cultivate BIPOC-led healing spaces through community mental well-being + financial wellness.


Through creative storytelling, gatherings, and mutual aid.


We are a multi generational, ethnic, racial and class community. We believe that there is much beauty and value to learn from diverse lived experiences. While this space is for everyone, we do center BIPOC voices and amplify their expertise.


We believe to have a thriving life we must have a healthy relationship to self, money, and the world. For communities of color, healing is communal, it’s spiritual, it’s interconnected through a multi-generational experience, and for generations we have utilized creativity, storytelling and community spaces as a way to experience healing. We acknowledge that talk therapy is a way to heal, but isn’t the only way to heal. We desire to identify what healing looks like when it comes to centering economic justice with mental well-being.

we heal by connecting with our communities.