a beautiful rebuilding of myself

What inspired/encouraged you to start your mental health journey?

It was shortly after I had my youngest and I went to my midwife for a follow-up. During some routine mental health questions, to which I answered honestly, she must've seen some signs of postpartum depression. It was the first time someone took time to listen to me, ask more pressing questions about how I was feeling. It was through my midwife that I realized that my anxious and depressed thoughts weren't just something I "had to suck up and work through". It was after that appointment that I started taking medication and started therapy.

What does healing mean/look like to you?

Actively working towards unlearning conditioned ideas that are harmful to how I view myself so that I can break that generational trauma and not pass it down to my children. 

How are you healing for your legacy?

It's taken me a few years to understand the depth and importance of me intentionally investing in my legacy. When I started this journey, I realized there was still a lot of pain I had buried and had to process through. But over the past years, I've been able to see a beautiful rebuilding of myself through my children. Witnessing their growth, and safety is so beautiful to me, which gives me the motivation to continue on this journey. 

What are some ways you are healing that's not related to talk therapy? (ie: self care, journaling, spiritual, etc.)

Everyday I start my day with movement. This might look like a walk, a run, some lifting, Pilates. I also take some time to do breath-work as I transition from my morning exercise routine to the start of my day. I think carving that time out to spend with myself in the morning as I move my body is a great way to start my day mentally fresh.

What encouragement would you give to someone who is just starting their own healing journey?

It might be hard and uncomfortable at first to learn how to listen to your own needs. When we are conditioned to take care of, and put everyone else's needs before ourselves, it's a challenge to shift that thinking in our brains to start taking care of our needs. As adults, we might not even know ourselves enough to know how to best care for ourselves. So, it's a learning process, that's not easy, but it is rewarding. I always remind myself that I am creating a new path, so I might not always get it right, I might not always know what to do...but it's something that my kids will be able to build upon. I hold on to that hope, give myself grace, and keep moving forward. 

Jasmine Lopez

A Jesus lover living simpy and intentionally with my 3 girls and hubby. I'm passionate about the power of stories. Photographer | Teacher | Creative


we have a mental health crisis


healing with money