we have a mental health crisis

It’s suicide prevention month and for me this is personal. I have witnessed and experienced mental illness in my family since I was a little girl. I too have walked through my own journey with being diagnosed with CPTSD along with depression/anxiety. My story, and the story of my loved ones is why I advocate. Why I care so deeply to culitivate healing spaces in BIPOC communities.

When there's a 6+ month wait for medicaid patients to have access to behavioral health services....

We have a mental health crisis.

When there's an over year wait to be seen at a children's hospital for a psychiatric evaluation....

We have a mental health crisis.

When children are being sent to ER's and having to wait days in order to get services.

We have a mental health crisis.

When non profits are at full capacity with their case management due to little funds.

We have a mental health crisis.

When parents have to go through the system alone while advocating for their child.

We have a mental health crisis.

I'm not here to sit on the side lines! I will fight. I will advocate. And I will put my time, money, talent and resources into co-creating and identifying solutions as a way to partner with my neighbors and youth!!!

My desire is to create spaces for others to feel safe, connection and belonging! Because healing can be experienced in so many ways...not just talk therapy.

Until next time,


Jasmine Lopez

A Jesus lover living simpy and intentionally with my 3 girls and hubby. I'm passionate about the power of stories. Photographer | Teacher | Creative


where those legacies were birthed


a beautiful rebuilding of myself