where those legacies were birthed

What has your Cultural healing looked like for you?

Cultural Healing to me means immersion. Immersing my husband's and my culture throughout our home and our everyday life. Growing up not feeling Latina enough has always brought me into this desire to immerse myself within my culture in meaningful ways throughout my home life. As reminders for me and my husband, lessons on our history for our children, and conversation starters to share with those who enter our home. 

We have a wall with our legacy showcased for all to see in our dining room. My children can see their great grandparents and the homes in the Philippines, Puerto Rico and here in Chicago where those legacies were birthed. 

We also incorporate special meals that when we cook, it brings forth connection to my ancestors. Avena is one of my favorites to make for my children with my mother's recipe.  Something about the constant stirring of the spoon, barefoot and by the stove draws a closeness and memory I can not explain.

How are you healing for your legacy?

The ways in which I am healing are allowing my children to witness first hand their cultures, not only in their actual locations, Puerto Rico & Philippines, but in the everyday interactions with their grandparents and our home. Showing them that both cultures are filled with so many different forms of beauty in our foods, languages, and how we carry ourselves. Teaching them that language is not definitive to them being part of that culture is very important to me since my own healing dealt with that.

What are some ways you are healing that’s not related to talk therapy?

I have also found healing through connecting to family members legacy of creativity. When I am able to tap into creativity, I find myself connected. My mural in our entry way was created as a form of healing once my Tia passed last year. I did not realize how connected I was to her until her passing. She was an artist and excelled in all things creative, and by painting these walls I felt once again, connected.

What encouragement would you give to someone who is just starting their own healing journey?

My encouragement to others on a cultural healing journey is it is not a one sizes situation. Your journey will look different from others and that's the beauty of it. Find what heals and feeds your soul and stick with that. I would also like to mention, it is never too late...

Jasmine Lopez

A Jesus lover living simpy and intentionally with my 3 girls and hubby. I'm passionate about the power of stories. Photographer | Teacher | Creative


40 & Broke (for retirement)


we have a mental health crisis